○ 適用于急診、病區。頂部為兩側平拉開,內側有活動式藥格盤,第二層抽屜高150mm;第三層抽屜高100mm。下方為雙開門,空間為500mm×360mm×380mm,中間有一活動的隔板,左后側配裝伸縮輸液架。底部4只靜音腳輪(其中兩只帶剎車裝置)。
○ It is suitable for emergency ward. Table top can be pulled horizontally towards two sides. The inner medicine cassettes are removable. Height of second drawer: 150mm Height of third drawer: 100mm .The space with two doors at the lower part has a removable partition plate, which can be used to store different sizes of emergency instruments. Dimension of the space: 500mm×360mm×380mm.With the adjustable I.V. pole, Four polyurethane noiseless castors( two of them with brakes).